O dia 8 de Junho, foi proposto pela primeira vez na Conferência Mundial do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, em 1992, mais conhecida por Rio+20, que decorreu na cidade brasileira do Rio de Janeiro. Porém foi só a partir de 2008, que a Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas reconheceu oficialmente o dia 8 de Junho como “Dia Mundial dos Oceanos” através da sua Resolução A/RES/63/111, de 5 de Dezembro. 

Desde então, vários países celebram a data mostrando a importância dos oceanos como sendo essenciais à segurança alimentar, à saúde, sobrevivência de qualquer forma de vida,…


By Candida Sete, Clousa Maueua, Ana Maria Alfredo.

National Institute for Hydrography and Navigation (INAHINA).

The study was motivated by the understanding that accidents with artisanal fisherman are common along the cost of Mozambique, despite the availability of the forecast information that would be combined with the traditional knowledge of the fisherman on sea state. That led to question the effectiveness of the weather forecast and of the forecast information dissemination for localized needs as for artisanal fishermen. The study took place in Zambézia Province, and the artisanal fishery centre in the Zalala Beach, was chosen for a demonstration site.…

Read more: Weather Forecast for Artisanal Fisheries at Zalala Beach, Mozambique


L’Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (IRHOB) et le Laboratoire d’Ecologie Appliquée de la FSA/UAC, ont entrepris depuis 2000, sur financement des Pays-Bas et du CBDD, des travaux de suivi des cétacés du Bénin, sous la conduite de l’ONG ‘’Nature Tropicale’.

On suit essentiellement des Baleines qui font partie de la grande famille des mammifères (particulièrement de la famille des cétacés). Les Dauphins sont aussi des mammifères marins que l’on rencontre sur les côtes béninoises et dans le Golfe de Guinée en général.

Baleine échouée sur la…

Read more: Les cétacés en danger dans le Golfe de Guinée: échouage ou capture au Bénin

Dear Followers,

We are inviting you to submit an article to the ODINAFRICA newsletter WINDOW. Articles can be in English or French and pictures/images are welcome and encouraged. Contributions should not exceed the word limit of 750 words.

Please make use of this opportunity to share information and latest developments on projects and other activities from country with the ODINAFRICA community and beyond.

Deadline for submissions is 10 April 2015.

Please send your submission to: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. / Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les…

Read more: Call for Contributions - ODINAFRICA Newsletter April/May 2015

Madagascar has created recently a new Oceanographic Research station on its south east coast. To fill the gap in this hidden part of the island, in terms of biological, marine environment and fisheries information, both nationally for Madagascar and for the border Western Indian Region, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research create a new oceanographic research station in the south east.

The New Oceanographic Research Station and sea surface temperature at the south coast of Madagascar

The station has been inaugurated in May 2013, at Ampatsinakoho, Vangaindrano district, it now has one year. You can learn more about…

Read more: The new Oceanographic Research Center in South East Madagascar – one year later